If you look under the Settings tab of the XFCE Appearance application, you will find two options under Event sounds, Enable event sounds and Enable input feedback sounds. (Quite why a sound setting would be in the Appearance menu is a bit of a mystery, but hey-ho.)
In Debian at least, ticking these options seems to have no effect. It hasn't really bothered me for years, but I thought I would investigate if it is possible to enable system sounds.As is often the case with Linux issues, I came across various suggestions on the issue dating back over a decade. This is what worked for me. First install package libcanberra-pulse, and check that System sounds are enabled in the audio mixer.
This got me some system sounds. Changing audio volume in the audio mixer (but not from the panel icon) produced a sound.
Other system sounds required package libcanberra-gtk3-0, and exporting a GTK module, which as far as I can work out makes the kernel aware that GTK events should trigger a system sound. The instructions are at ubuntuforums.org. They date from 2012, but still seem to be necessary and work.
The default sound theme installed has sound for a limited number of events, so I installed the Smooth sound them which has more.
Here are my sources of information:
How to enable system sounds forum.xfce.org
[Solved] System Sounds forum.xfce.org
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