Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gnome users are revolting less

Or should that be less revolting?

Seems that Gnome 3 isn't that bad after all
Hey, with gnome-tweak-tool and the dock extension, gnome-3.2 is starting to look almost usable.

I'm trying to check out the dock extension now. Seems to be in the Fedora repository, but how to enable it is another questions.

Update: OK, you have to install gnome-tweak to activate the dock. Which is a turd.  There may be some things Gnome 3 could do better, but this is like nailing a lump of wood onto the side of a new car to help you find the door handle more easily.


  1. I like Gnome 3 (sort of prefer 3.0 to 3.2 - yes, I now, it's just me), but, "this is like nailing a lump of wood onto the side of a new car to help you find the door handle more easily." is one of the funniest lines I've heard in a very long time.
