Sunday, February 28, 2021

A simple weather notification for the XFCE panel

[Update: New & Improved version available.]

This is a very minimalistic weather applet for the XFCE panel using data from OpenWeather via ansiweather, a terminal shell script.  The applet uses the XFCE Genmon plugin to run a simple script. XFCE does have a weather plugin for the panel, but this is a)much simpler and b)an excuse to play with writing scripts.

A bit chilly this morning, as you can see. (The orange icon, in case you wondered, is my previous adventure in scripting, an update notification for the XFCE panel.)

The tooltip shows a five day forecast. Clicking on the temperature in the panel can refresh the data, open a terminal to view the source data in a terminal, or go to the OpenWeather web page for your town where you can see an eight day forecast.

To use the applet:

1. install ansiweather

2. find your location at OpenWeather and replace <city,country code, eg London,UK> and the city code ******* in the URL as appropriate. Also find the right number to replace the * in  genmon-*, if you want a click to refresh the applet. The method is described in a comment in the script.

3. remove the # before the click command you want.

4. copy the script into a .sh file and make it executable.

5. add an instance of Genmon to the panel, enter the path to the .sh file and a refresh time in seconds, and save.

temp=$(ansiweather -l <city,country code, eg London,UK> | awk '{print $6$7}')
forecast=$(ansiweather -l <city,country code, eg London,UK> -s true -a false -F | awk '{print $1 "\n\n" $4,$7,$8,$9 "\n" $11,$14,$15,$16 "\n" $18,$21,$22,$23 "\n" $25,$28,$29,$30 "\n" $32,$35,$36,$37 "\n" $38,$41,$42,$43}')

PANEL+="<txtclick>firefox --new-tab --url*******</txtclick>"
#replace ******* with the code number for your city
#PANEL+="<txtclick>xfce4-panel --plugin-event=genmon-*:refresh:bool:true</txtclick>"
#You will need to obtain the number in genmon-* by going to panel>preferences>items and hovering over the instance of Genmon
#PANEL+="<txtclick>xterm -hold -e  ansiweather -l <city,country code, eg London,UK> -s true -f 7</txtclick>"

TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>Forecast</span>\n\n"
TOOLTIP+="<span font= 'monospace regular'>$forecast</span>\n"
#TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>Click to update</span>"
TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>OpenWeather</span>"
#Change to suit the click action you choose

echo -e "${PANEL}"
echo -e "${TOOLTIP}"

[Update: Here is an alternative script with a nicer column format:

NB the temperature column will accommodate six characters, so "-5/-10" would be OK, but "-15/-10" wouldn't. Change %6s (a six character string) to %7s if you live somewhere that never gets above minus double digits in the winter. If you live somewhere temperate that never gets into double-digit cold, %5s  will be OK and look better. Screenshot below is %6s.

city=$(ansiweather -l london,uk | awk '{print $4}')
temp=$(ansiweather -l london,uk | awk '{print $6$7}')
forecast=$(ansiweather -l london,uk -s true -a false -F | awk '{printf "%s %6s%s %s\n%s %6s%s %s\n%s %6s%s %s\n%s %6s%s %s\n%s %6s%s %s\n", $4,$7,$8,$9,$11,$14,$15,$16,$18,$21,$22,$23,$25,$28,$29,$30,$32,$35,$36,$37}')

PANEL+="<txtclick>firefox --new-tab --url*******</txtclick>"
#PANEL+="<txtclick>xfce4-panel --plugin-event=genmon-*:refresh:bool:true</txtclick>"
#PANEL+="<txtclick>xterm -hold -e  ansiweather -l london,uk -s true -f 7</txtclick>"

TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>Forecast</span>\n"
TOOLTIP+="<span font= 'monospace regular'>$city</span>\n"
TOOLTIP+="<span font= 'monospace regular'>$forecast</span>\n"
#TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>Click to update</span>"
TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold' font='sans regular'>OpenWeather</span>"

echo -e "${PANEL}"
echo -e "${TOOLTIP}"

Replace london,uk and * as appropriate.]

[Edit: removed superfluous variable entries from script.]

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Update notifications in Debian XFCE Part 2

XFCE in Debian does not notify the user of available updates. In this post I'm going to show two methods of getting update notifications. Before using either of these methods, it's necessary to configure Debian's package manager APT to check for available updates, as described in my previous post.

It's also necessary to install aptitude, which is a text-based terminal front end for APT.

Method 1: using Conky

Conky is a system monitor which can be used to output the result of a terminal command to the desktop. Here, it is writing the output of the following command to the desktop:

aptitude search "~U" | wc -l

Which tells aptitude to search APT for updatable packages, count and list them. (Found on the bunsenlabs forum.)

The line in my Conky config file is:

${color grey}Available updates:$color ${execi 3600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l}

Which tells Conky to execute the command every hour. Add Conky to Application Autostart in XFCE. The command conky -d -p 12 runs Conky as a daemon with a 12 second delay - Conky can get buried if a non-system wallpaper is applied after the desktop starts.

The full Conky script is at the bottom of the post for reference.

Method 2: using Genom in the XFCE panel

The disadvantage of the first method is that many people don't see their desktop very often. With the second method, the notification is in the panel, so it's easy to notice.

Genmon is an XFCE plugin that monitors terminal commands and outputs the result to the XFCE panel. So in this case, Genmon is monitoring the output of the same command we used in Conky but showing the result in the panel, alongside an icon which only appears when updates are available.

Genmon can also use the XFCE tooltip to display a list of available updates from the output of this command:

aptitude -F%p search '~U'

Which returns the names of updatable packages.

The panel icon is also clickable and can be configured to update the system.

Credit for the Genmon script goes to, where an XFCE update script is mentioned, although I had to use waybackmachine to find it

I modified the script to work with Debian, and added the <iconclick> command, which was added to Genmon recently and allows the script to use system icons. Most icon themes have a software update icon in the Status folder somewhere, although the name may vary.

Here is the Genmon script:

updates=$(aptitude search '~U' | wc -l)
details=$(aptitude -F%p search '~U')

PANEL+="<txt><span size='6000' rise='8000'>$updates</span></txt>"

TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold'>Available updates: $updates</span>\n"
TOOLTIP+="<span weight='bold'>Click icon to update</span>"

if [ $updates -gt 0 ]; then
  echo -e "${PANEL}"
  echo -e "${TOOLTIP}"
  echo ""

The script has to be saved as a text file with the .sh suffix and made executable (Properties > Permissions in Thunar). Then enter the path to the script in Genmon properties:

Command: /path/to/your/

Label: unticked

Period (s): update interval in seconds - eg 3600 (1 hour)

I have put the <iconclick> actions in a separate script, so I could get the terminal to update the system and refresh Genmon so the icon disappears after updating - I don't think it's possible for an XML <click> command to do this.

So, if you want to update with a click, put something similar in an .sh executable file:

xterm -e "pkcon update && sleep 5s && xfce4-panel --plugin-event=genmon-7:refresh:bool:true"

[Edit: You will need to change genmon-7 to the Genmon ID number in your panel. Go to Panel>Panel Preferences>Items and hover over the Genmon instance in the list - you will see the ID number for your panel.]

exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator works too, but I like the cute Xterm terminal.

I hope these methods are useful to somebody. If I have left out any necessary information, please let me know in the comments!

Here are the modifications to the Conky script. Get the default Conky script from etc/conky/conky.conf and copy to  ~/.config/conky/conky.conf and edit. 

gap_x = edit to suit
gap_y = your monitor
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_argb_visual = true,

conky.text = [[
${execi 86400 lsb_release -sd}
$kernel${time %A %d %B %Y}
${color grey}Uptime:$color $uptime

${color grey}Available updates:$color ${execi 3600 aptitude search "~U" | wc -l}

[Update: amended Conky script so it checks for Debian release information daily and not every second.]

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Update notifications in Debian XFCE Part 1

I've been using XFCE in Debian Testing for a few weeks, so of course there have been a lot of updates - mostly bug fixes at this stage of the cycle. I've been updating manually every day to keep up to date and watch for fixes for any issues I have.

But when Bullseye becomes Stable, how will I know if updates are available? Updates in Stable are less frequent, so it's good to get a notification if they are available.

Unlike in Gnome, update notifications don't seem to happen in XFCE in Debian. However, there are ways to be notified of updates. One way is to install package-update-indicator, which basically installs the Gnome update system, with, it's own pop-up indicator.

However, there is a way to get notifications without installing the Gnome system, if we simply want to be notified of updates. (The Gnome system can install updates, automatically in the background if so configured.)

Here's how.

The first step is to enable the system to update its list of available packages so it knows if there are newer packages available. Manually, this would be done by this command:

#apt-get update

Fortunately in Bullseye, there is a way to get APT to update itself automatically. Systemd runs a system scheduler which contains a timer called (with admirable succinctness):


This timer runs by default, but the default APT setting is to do nothing. We need to configure Apt to update its packages daily when its script is run by the timer.

This is done by creating a configuration file and adding some variables. The configuration file needs to be:


And the variable we need to add is:

APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";

There is a package in the Debian repository which will do this automatically. It's called apt-config-auto-update and it will configure APT for automatic cache updates. Its default settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic are:

APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";

APT::Periodic::Download-Upgradeable-Packages "1";

APT::Periodic::AutocleanInterval "0";

These settings will check for updates and download upgradeable packages, if that's what you want. "1" means once a day apparently, so once a week would be "7". Autoclean can also be enabled.

To check up on automatic package list updates run:

# journalctl --since yesterday -u apt-daily.service

To check on Systemd's update schedule for APT (by default the time is randomised), run:

# systemctl edit apt-daily.timer

 # systemctl status apt-daily.timer                  
Debian Wiki.

If you would like to automatically install security updates, it is possible with unattended-upgrades, which creates a similar configuration file in the same location.

Now APT is doing a daily package list update, we just need a way of being notified of those available updates. But that will have to wait till the next post.

To be continued...


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Edited to correct command to check update schedule, 28-12-2022.






Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Things that are broken but getting fixed in Bullseye

Bluetooth is currently broken for some adapters in Debian, but it looks like there is a fix coming in the 5.11 kernel.

Another bug report at time the message is:

kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: don't support firmware rome 0x1020200

Technical details are here.

Patched kernel for testing at Canonical is 5.11.0.

Final release of 5.11 is expected sometime in mid-February, according to 9to5Linux.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Driverless printing in Debian Part II - Sharing printers over the network

Previously, I wrote about the idea of driverless printing: a common language shared between computers and printers that allows a printer to tell a computer "this is what I can print", and the computer to send the print job to the printer in a format it can print.

Thus removing the tedious necessity of installing drivers to use a printer, and allowing any device to print to any printer.

I also wrote about how my printers didn't have the common language required for driverless printing.

In this post I'm going to write about how it is possible to print from a Linux computer or Android device to printers connected to the network without installing drivers: by sharing printers over the network. (You do need one computer with the drivers installed.)

This is something I discovered by accident. I noticed when using my desktop PC running Debian Buster Gnome that the two wireless printers on my home network were listed twice in printer settings, the second listing being suffixed with the name of my laptop.

This confused me for a while until I realised that by default my laptop publishes network printers connected to it, and my desktop detects and adds the printers as shared network printers via the laptop.

And then I realised that it is possible to use the printers shared by the laptop even without the printer driver installed on a device. The printers appear on my Android phone, and I can print to them from it.

Which, of course, is useful.

So how does it work? Well, it seems the laptop has a system to publish printers connected to it so that they are available to other devices connected to the network, which can then use the common language I mentioned earlier - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) - to pass the print job to the laptop, which can then pass it to the printer.

In an ideal world of course, my printers would have the version of the shared language that would allow any device to connect without a driver - IPP Everywhere™ - but at least this way phones and tablet on the home network can print without a driver.

The system that publishes printers in this way is a Zero-configuration networking (zeroconf) multicast DNS/DNS-SD service. Something that Apple implements with Bonjour (hello - understandable) and Linux with Avahi (a genus of woolly lemur - mkay).

Printers are discovered in Linux by cups-browsed.

Bonjour is built into printers so they can advertise themselves on the network, Debian has Avahi so it can advertise connected printers and cups-browsed so that it can discover them, and Android has Network service discovery (NSD) so it can discover connected printers.

Of course you may not want your computer to add every printer discovered on the network, especially if they are a duplicate of an already-installed printer. This could be seen as a bug not a feature.

However, it is possible to disable publishing of printers connected to the computer.

The option was ticked by default in XFCE in Debian Bullseye, but left unticked by default in Gnome in Debian Buster.

So, if you want to print from a Linux computer, or an Android device, but don't want to/can't install the driver, this is a way to do it. I think everything was installed by default in Debian, with the only difference being that sharing was enabled in one installation and not another. In other distributions it may be necessary to install Avahi or cups-browsed.

And of course this sort of thing is possible in Apple and Windows too, but I don't have Apple or Windows devices. If you do, this guide may be useful.