The default icon theme in Debian XFCE has had an annoying bug for a very long time. I wrote about it in 2013, but the issue was reported as a bug in 2011. (See for the original bug report and for more information.)
There were no icons for special folders in the home directory with the Tango icon theme, meaning that these folders defaulted to the Gnome icon theme, as shown in this screenshot from the Gitlab bug report:
The Tango icon project has been dead for 16 years, but Matteo Bini has forked the Tango icon theme to include XDG user directory icons (as well as other fixes).
The forked package has replaced the original Tango icon theme in Debian Testing, so the next release of Debian will have icons for special folders in XFCE at last, and the home directory will look like this:
Personally I prefer the look of the Papirus icon theme, but at least now the default icon theme will not have this annoying bug.
The Tango icon theme is still a bit dated in some ways. For example, the Synaptic icon is a box a CD and a floppy disk.
Hands up anybody who can remember installing software from a floppy disk, and if you do, doesn't getting old suck?
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