I was looking for a backup solution for my documents and came across the excellent Déjà Dup.
Now backup in the cloud would obviously be a good idea because things that could cause me to lose my computer (fire or burglary, for example) could also cause me to lose my external HD.
There are many cloud storage provides, but some are intended for users with huge amounts of data and are paid, and some don't allow direct backup and restore to the cloud.
I came across an article at maketecheasier which describes how to use box.com with Déjà Dup, but try as I might, I couldn't get it to work.
Debian User Forums and bester69 to the rescue!
The setup details in the 2012 article seem to be out of date.
These are the settings that worked for me:
box.com provides 10GB of storage for free: enough for my 1GB of backup, but more storage is available for a fee.
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